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276 votes star=Kyle Marvin average Ratings=7,5 of 10 stars USA 94 Minute Creator=Michael Angelo Covino. I didn't realise how great my life was when these type of shows were around. “The Climb” is a country pop power ballad where Cyrus sings about how rewarding the journey of life is despite the unsure ending. The song was released as the lead single off of the Hannah Montana: The Movie soundtrack. In the context of the movie, the song describes the important lesson that Miley Stewart, played by Cyrus, had to learn in her hometown to better understand and appreciate the life outside of the pop stardom created by Hannah Montana. The song became an instant commercial hit by peaking at #4 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song became Cyrus’s first solo single to be released to country radio. The song received praise from music critics who praised Cyrus' vocals and lyrics.

The lima news memory. The climb video. The climb. I love them so much Im crying. Indoor Bouldering Centre in Loughborough TheClimbingStation 2019-11-04T15:07:26+00:00 The Climbing Station is a bouldering centre in Loughborough run for climbers, by climbers. We know what makes a great indoor-climbing experience and we put 100% into making sure that you’ll have an amazing day. We have over 800sqm of bouldering surface, covering almost every angle that you can possibly think of. We have a top rope wall that can be used by both kids and adults to learn the basics of roped climbing. In addition, we have a range of  training facilities to help you get even stronger. The Climbing Station is only a 3-minute drive from the centre of Loughborough and less than 10-minute’s drive from the M1. There is lots of parking and bike racks are available. Whether you’re a seasoned climber looking for somewhere new to climb or have never climbed before, we can help you get started with your first time at the Climbing Station. We use Facebook reviews to monitor customer experience. Recently visited The Climbing Station? Please rate us on our Facebook page. Your feedback is important to us; it helps us to provide the best indoor climbing experience around. We read all of our reviews and we’re always eager to hear what you liked and how we can improve. Good place. Plenty of problems. Sam Dixon 7/18/2018 I'm a regular here and love the friendly atmosphere, helpful staff and good, varied route setting. Charles Pritchard 7/03/2018 Been going since it opened. High quality bouldering. Lots of beginner options. Excellent circuit room for endurance training. Friendly place. Daniel Heath 6/01/2018 Great place and staff � Richard Kinsey 5/31/2018 Thanks for having 2nd markfield brownies tonight. They had a ball and loved it. Your instructors were fantastic, the girls did some great activities and your Tiffin is delicious too! Clare Mills 5/23/2018 Great Fun. Some challenging routes, really enjoyed it. Frances Wright 3/29/2018

The climb live. The climb karaoke. Avertissement: ceci sont mes notes du Forum Santé 2019, je ne garantis pas d’avoir tout compris 100% et de n’avoir pas fait d’erreur! Brigitte Rorive (dir fin HUG): 3 bonnes raisons d’espérer Les coûts de la santé augmentent plus vite que la croissance économique. Mais les solutions existent! Exemple: Nouvelle-Zélande. Centré sur la personne. Au centre, personne qui vit dans une maison, pas dans un hôpital! Trois niveaux d’intervention autour de la population. Garder les gens le plus longtemps possible dans leur cercle: bonne santé; services dans la communauté, médecine de vie, services sociaux => éviter une dégradation de l’état de santé. Prévenir le mieux possible la dégradation de l’état de santé lorsqu’il y a un souci. M. E, 76 ans, deux AVC, séquelles neuro/cognitives. Perdu un rein (tumeur) => IR. Médics pour l’hypertension. Plaques qui démangent dans le cou un matin => appelle le médecin, absent, va à l’hôpital. Dx zona. Prescrit antalgiques + antiviral. 15 jours plus tard M. E va mal et va chez son médecin traitant => hôpital 10j. Confusion due aux antalgiques, reins qui ont morflé, surinfection car n’avait pas compris comment traiter son zona. Dans un système genre NZ: M. E est connu des structures de premier recours. Il appelle la maison de santé, la personne consulte le dossier et voit qu’il s’agit d’un cas compliqué, appelle le médecin de service dans la maison de santé, et approche non pas juste du zona mais de la personne entière (que puis-je donner comme antalgiques vu l’IR, etc) + met en place une infirmière durant la première semaine pour s’assurer qu’il gère son traitement. Deuxième bonne nouvelle: on s’inspire déjà de ce qui existe, des initiatives. Exemple: chutes personne âgée. Grave problème de santé publique. 45% des hospitalisations de personnes de plus de 65 ans en Suisse sont dûes aux chutes. 1400 décès par an. Trois fois plus de risque de se retrouver en EMS si on a chuté. 6. 8 milliards de CHF. Mais la grande majorité de ces chutes sont évitables. HUG et certains cantons alémaniques: mis ensemble dépistage et prévention. (Il y a aussi des patients qui chutent dans les hôpitaux! ) Mise au point d’une échelle de dépistage (patients chuteurs) et mesures de prévention. Pilote aux HUG. Déposé projet pour avoir financement pour sortir le projet de dépistage de l’hôpital et l’amener à domicile via soins à domicile. Deuxième temps: EMS. Trois: on a des ressources, et pas juste financières. Intelligence collective. Exemple: projet qui a fait beaucoup de petits. Spécialistes en épidémiologie populationnelle + géographes + bio-informaticiens: cartographier le risque de développer une maladie en fonction d’où on vit. Carte avec lien entre habitat et obésité. La structure même de certains quartiers est porteuse de la pathologie. Permet de cibler la prévention et le dépistage. Idem avec dépression, insuffisance cardiaque… Du coup si on met une maison de santé dans un quartier, on va pouvoir cibler le genre de professionnels de la santé qu’il sera important d’inclure. Slogan Highlands où ils ont réorganisé le système de santé dans ce sens: “The best bed is your own bed. ” Nicolas Senn: Traiter la maladie ne suffit pas Petit film, projet MOCCA: Inclusion d’infirmière dans le cabinet médical (Chexbres, Chauderon). Médecin + infirmière (Cindy Lehmann) + assistante médicale. Temps de consultation souvent limité pour le médecin généraliste. L’infirmière va jouer un rôle là, plus de temps, prévention. Ex: patient avec diabète décompensé, fortes douleurs de hanche qui diminuent son activité physique. N’avait pas pensé à le dire au médecin mais c’est apparu au fil de la discussion avec l’infirmière. Patient type: maladies chroniques. Approche populationnelle: séances d’info, lectures dans la salle d’attente. Transformer le cabinet en un centre de santé. Exemple: M. Favre, 78 ans, fume 2 paquets, sort peu, vit seul, diabétique, hospit pour pertes de connaissance à plusieurs reprises, refuse le vaccin pour la grippe. Enjeux pour sa santé? Il y a 50 ans, insuline pour le diabète. Maintenant: prévention tabac, grippe, isolement social, consultations, multimorbidité (coordination de soins), 720 minutes de consultation par an. Complexité du système: TARMED, facturation au temps, à la minute! Avantage: permet de passer du temps avec le patient, prestations ultra performantes point de vue médico-technique. Mais difficile de réaliser des interventions hors catalogue, auprès d’un groupe de population, coordination des soins, prévention… Le débat actuel est centré sur les coûts. Une mesure intéressante, l’article relatif aux projets pilotes, car il permet de dépasser le cadre et de chercher une meilleure prise en charge. Mais sinon ces mesures vont pas tellement aider le patient. Limites du système: soins fragmentés, prestations autour de la maladie, etc. On est dans une voie de médicalisation de la santé: les problèmes de santé ont une solution médico-technique. Mieux: socialisation de la médecine, on cherche des solutions autres que strictement dans le domaine bio-médical. Prise en compte des déterminants environnementaux de la santé pour pouvoir agir dessus (on fait ça assez peu maintenant). Agir sur l’environnement! Actuellement, système de santé avec soins ambulatoires assez cloisonnés. Décloisonner. Il y a des chercheurs pour développer les nouveaux médicaments, il en faut aussi pour développer des nouveaux systèmes de santé et les tester. MOCCA (modèle de coordination des cabinets). 2 ans de préparation avec experts (y compris patients). Trois éléments: liste de patients, savoir qui on suit dans le cabinet, y compris leur contexte, description infirmier ou infirmière en soins primaires. Coordination de soins, prévention, suivi de maladies chroniques, éducation thérapeutique, urgences. Plan de soins individualisé: suivi longitudinal, coordination… Pour la Suisse, assez innovant. En Belgique, en France, assez courant. Projet pilote: renforcer localement la médecine générale. (Pas une grosse usine à gaz pour la gouvernance. ) Premier pas pour intégrer les enjeux globaux de la santé (déterminants sociaux et environnementaux, équité, prévention, promotion de la santé, coordination et continuité des soins, centré sur la santé et non la maladie). “La santé c’est la capacité pour un être humain à donner un sens à sa vie dans son environnement, et pas juste de réduire la santé à la chimie et biologie de la personne” (citation de mémoire, Marie Gaille, philosophe française). Question: pharmaciens comme professionels de la santé de premier recours? Faire faire les mêmes actes par différentes personnes, pas super, mais intégrer les pharmaciens dans l’équipe de soins, pharmacies dans maisons de soins. Doivent être plus présents mais intégrés dans une réflexion globale. Patrick Durisch: Prix des nouveaux médicaments/traitements (Public Eye) Vidéo: Fixés comment? le fabricant fixe un prix initial (R&D etc). Mais aussi value-based pricing. Sovaldi (Gilead) pour l’hépatite C. 84k $ pour 3 mois de traitement, basé sur le tarif d’une greffe de foie, jusque-là seul traitement disponible. Ensuite l’OFSP va voir ce qu’ils remboursent — mais peu de marge de manoeuvre pour limiter les prix. Prix en Suisse = prix vitrine pour l’industrie pharmaceutique. Et coût de R&D = secret industriel. Brevets. Industrie en position de force. Les autorités sont garantes de la constitution et ont donc des obligations concernant l’accès aux soins. Maintenir la pérennité du système (mutualisation des coûts) car sinon certains n’auront plus accès aux soins. OFSP: on sait que les prix sont trop hauts mais c’est légal. Coûts: 7 milliards pour les médicaments ambulatoires. 8 milliards pour les médics en tout sur les 32 de l’assurance de base. Les trois quarts sont dûs aux médicaments brevetés. Progression constante des coûts pour les médicaments contre le cancer. +54% depuis 2014. A la base: brevet octroyé avec l’idée d’un équilibre des intérêts privés (exclusivité, profit) et publics (publication, accessibilité). En multipliant les brevets sur une molécule on rallonge la période de protection (pire aux USA bien sûr), alors même que les coûts de recherche sont récupérés depuis longtemps (Herceptin par exemple). Résultat: traitements anticancéreux très chers, OFSP négocie des rabais peu transparents… Patients hépatite C n’ont pas eu leur traitement remboursé durant 3 ans! Retour sur investissement dans l’industrie pharmaceutique: plus élevé que les banques, voitures, pétrole. Agir sur les marges injustifiées. Moyen d’autoriser la concurrence (levée de monopole temporaire). Exemple: thérapie génique développée par Novartis. 370k et brevets illégitimes car la technologie était déjà connue. Les hôpitaux universitaires Suisses s’allient pour développer des traitements similaires. Message-clé: le public doit reprendre la main, fixer des prix équitables qui prennent en compte R&D et financements publics (stop au value-based). Christine Bienvenu: ce médicament cher qui m’a sauvé la vie Film. Herceptin-Perjeta. 100k CHF/an. Pendant combien de temps notre système de santé pourra-t-il encore absorber ces coûts? Ambivalence. Tabou car reconnaissance d’avoir la chance de bénéficier du traitement, mais culpabilité de ce qu’on coûte à la collectivité. Important que les patients puissent s’intéresser à ces questions pour pouvoir participer au débat. Etre partenaire de ces discussions. Peur de ne plus avoir accès au traitement? Garder la tête basse pour ne pas risquer de perdre l’accès… Vulgariser les informations pour les patients. Autonomisation des patients, patient empowerment. Quelle place le patient doit-il prendre? En fait, quelle place doit-on lui laisser? Patient qui n’ose pas prendre sa place, même si ça change avec le fait que le patient ait accès à des informations auparavant réservées aux professionnels. Collaboration, partenariat, accepter un deuxième avis. Le patient vit 24h/24 avec sa maladie. Les stratégies mises en place par les patients pour pouvoir vivre leur vie peuvent être intéressante. Communautés de patients contenant beaucoup d’informations vulgarisées. Manuella Maury: Seuls à bord de notre corps Lettre à son généraliste. On vient au monde seul, et on le quitte aussi seul. Délégation de responsabilité. Importance du médecin de famille, à l’écoute. (Très joli texte, pas tellement propice à la prise de notes. ) Hypothyroïdie. 3 mois en Espagne. Difficultés de la vie, détour par l’acupuncture, désastre, démarrage du médic. Tout va bien. 2 ans plus tard, changement de formulation du médic, cata, augmentation de dose. Pilule impossible car conséquences catastrophiques (dépression), mais pour le médic contre la thyroïde on veut la faire rentrer dans un tableau excel? Déléguer sa santé à la pharma. Retourner en Valais, prendre soin de soi… Table ronde (jamais facile de prendre des notes) Si le médic n’est pas répertorié (trop nouveau), exception possible si le patient bénéficie du traitement. Donc analyse, et évaluation. Mais ça peut varier d’une caisse à l’autre (plus ou moins de volonté de trouver des solutions). On a le deuxième système de santé le plus cher au monde, après les USA. Surmédicalisation: interventions qui n’ont pas de bénéfice pour le patient. Ex: médicaments pour le cholestérol, chir de la thyroïde, interventions sur la colonne vertébrale (10 fois plus à Berne qu’à Genève! ) — on discute de mesures économiques mais pas de comment réduire les soins inutiles. Ecart de 48% des prix des génériques entre l’Europe et la Suisse (taille du marché). Les importations parallèles sont déjà autorisées. Dossier électronique du patient. Innovation, pas de la science-fiction. Attention aux bulles du côté startup qui trouvent du financement. Important de former les infirmier/infirmières en Haute Ecole, pour collaborer il faut parler le même language. Question: dans les cas particuliers, certains assurances acceptent, pas d’autres, pourquoi? Si le processus d’évaluation est supposé être un peu rationnel? Maladies rares: système de réassurance. Importance de la nutrition. Mais la prévention prend plus de temps. Confier la prévention aux infirmières. Question: préoccupation concernant la confidentialité avec le DEP. Le DEP permettra de cacher certaines infos, mais attention, on ne pourra pas se retourner contre le fournisseur de soin si on dissimule une information. Margaux Saudan: Moi, future médecin Plus grand employeur de médecins en Suisse: la Migros. Un problème? Attractif pour les médecins, mais: Données sensibles (grands magasins qui savent quand leurs clientes sont enceintes). Pas d’étanchéité. Conflit d’intérêt: faire de l’argent vs soigner. André Grimaldi: plaidoyer pour une médecine égalitaire et solidaire Deux défis auxquels sont confrontés nos systèmes de santé: innovation et maladies chroniques. Coût des médicaments: pas le coût de développement, mais le service médical rendu. A ce moment-là l’insuline et le vaccin contre la polio devraient coûter très très cher. L’industrie fixe ses coûts en fonction de ce qu’on est prêt à payer. 450 millions de diabétiques dans le monde. Ça coûte cher! Prévention… mais on a conçu des systèmes de soin et non des systèmes de santé. Progrès de la médecine => maladies chroniques. Indicateurs de qualité? On soigne l’indicateur et non le malade. La bonne porte d’entrée: il faut une troisième médecine pour les maladies chroniques. Première médecine: maladies aigues bénignes et gestes techniques simples. Médecine de cabinet. Deuxième médecine: maladies aiguës graves, soins complexes. Avec les hôpitaux universitaires ça fonctionne. Troisième: dans les maladies chroniques le patient doit changer de comportement dans la durée. Quid de l’observance? 40-50%, corrélé à la mortalité. Obstacles à l’observance: pas de symptômes => pas d’observance traitement: si on a l’impression qu’il est inefficace ou qu’il y a des effets secondaires système de santé: si on doit payer pour les soins chroniques et pas les aigus… ou si le gravité de la maladie chronique rapporte à l’assureur… médecin: n’explique pas, paternalisme médical, “je suis un technicien supérieur” (important: décision médicale partagée) La vraie question: le patient qui sait faire (observance), mais qui ne fait pas? Transformer le malade en son propre médecin. Comment se traitent les médecins compétents quand ils sont malades? Ils se soignent très mal… Pourquoi?! Clairement une troisième médecine. Homéostasie émotionnelle. Quand les besoins primaires sont assurés, la priorité absolue est l’homéostasie émotionnelle, quitte à prendre des risques pour sa santé. Traumatisme psychique du diagnostic: ce sera jamais plus comme avant; vous serez différent des autres. Premier mécanisme, déni, refus, clivage (diabétiques clandestins qui ne disent pas à leur entourage), addiction (ado qui manipule sa dose d’insuline pour rester mince). Pensée magique (charlatans etc). Ces mécanismes de “rejet” deviennent une maladie à leur tour. “Je sais que c’est stupide mais c’est plus fort que moi. ” On ne s’en sort pas seul de cette deuxième maladie. L’autonomie a des limites. Aider le patient à changer de représentation.

The Climb: Official Site - Home page The Climb brings alive the excitement and thrill of rock climbing in incredible virtual reality. Players will scale new heights and explore stunning environments in a new gaming experience developed exclusively for VR, using the power of CRYENGINE™. OCULUS QUEST Experience adrenaline-packed climbing anywhere with the incredible freedom offered by the completely wireless Oculus Quest. Learn more The Climb, Out Now On Oculus Quest Today we are bringing the thrill of extreme free solo rock climbing to Oculus Quest. The adrenaline-packed climbing game allows players to experience the rush of dangerous solo climbs in stunning, hyper-realistic settings from the comfort of just about anywhere with the incredible freedom offered by the completely wireless Oculus Quest. The Climb is available now for 29. 99 USD in the Oculus store, and supports Cross-Buy. So players who already own The Climb for Rift will receive a copy for Quest gratis and vice versa., Read More FREE EXPANSION AND OCULUS TOUCH SUPPORT LIVE NOW! Today we're excited to release our latest game update into the wild, and it's a beast if we say so ourselves. First, we're updating the game so that you can play with Oculus Touch controls across all modes. And we're also serving up a brand new setting, North, which is huge free expansion to the game to enjoy with a gamepad or with Touch. Update The Climb today and get it all. Let's have a look at the detail, with insight from some of our development team. Read More We use cookies to ensure the best experience on all Crytek websites. By using this website, you consent to the use of cookies. More information on our use of cookies you can find in our Privacy Policy. Accept Cookies.

A song from the ever so annoying Miley Cyrus. Contrary to popular belief she did not write the song. Jesse Alexander and her partner, John Mabe did. Honestly people, do you think she could write something like that? Typical teenage girl: "OMG I like totally love Miley Cyrus's song, "The Climb". She is like the best eva cus she wrote it and all like yeah cause Miley Cyrus rocks" Me (Intelligent Teen): "You see, typical teenage girl, Miley Cyrus did not write that song. It is impossible because Miley Cyrus is a Disney Cookie Cut Out and lacks talent and imagination. Here my child, let me enlighten you. " *Puts on '80s Freestyle Mixed Tape * Me: "Now you will discover the power of Egyptian Lover, Debbie Deb, Run DMC, LL Cool J, Trinere, The Cover Girls, Lisa Lisa and The Cult Jam, Sheila E, The Fatboys and Noel. Teenage Girl: "Wow, this sounds like real music! This makes Miley Cyrus and most of new music look like a freaking joke! " Me: "Yes, you have seen the truth, now for the New Wave tape! " when you find a random image/blog/person on the internet and trace it to its original source and begin to monitor it daily/ weekly. I saw this strange drawing of a furry and transformer clicked to the guys web page, next thing you know i was starting the climb

Alguien. en el 2020? debe volver disney de antes quien lo cree. Don't care what year, but November 2018. 😂 wow, I didn't expect that many likes! I'd really appreciate it if I got 1k likes if you did like thank you so much! wow, thanks so much for the 1k likes I really appreciate it! 💗💗.

Search for: Press Enter To Begin Your Search × The I recommend to watch, The mkv M"ovie,The,Climb Here page found Download`The`ClimB`English`Full`Movie. The climbing academy. It's 2019 and I've come here to cry. Watch 'The Climb' Online Zstream The Climb There Watch The Climb Online Subtitle English Watch Free T,h'e C&lim~b. The climb chords. The climb lyrics by miley cyrus. Lindo como sempre 😍.


Home News Games CRYENGINE Careers Shop Account Account Search All Games Release Date: April 28th, 2016 Publisher: Oculus The Climb brings alive the excitement and thrill of rock climbing in incredible virtual reality. Players will scale new heights and explore stunning environments in a new gaming experience developed exclusively for VR, using the power of CRYENGINE. Deutscher Entwicklerpreis 2016 - Technical Achievement - The Climb VR NOW Award 2016 - Grand Prize - The Climb Deutscher Entwicklerpreis 2016 - Best VR/AR Experience - The Climb Deutscher Computerspielpreis 2016 - Best Innovation - The Climb Want to know more? For further information don't hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to provide you with more information. Contact us This site uses cookies to improve site performance and usability. Please be aware that if you decline the use of cookies, the website may not work properly.

The climber. The climb vr. The climbers 2019. My favorite childhood song sung by my favorite actual singer. Access Map Getting to BridgeClimb Compare Compare Climbs now Opening Times From sunrise to sunset Climbs We have many different types of Climbs available. Below are our most popular. Explore To Sydneysiders, the Bridge is more than an iconic landmark. It’s much bigger, much more important than that. I’m addicted to climbing the Bridge. I simply love being on top of one of the engineering wonders of the world. To climb this massive structure is an experience like no other. I never tire of it.. ” The whole experience was perfect. Thanks for a truly great experience, one that we will never forget. Stunning views of Sydney, worth the climb! Lloyd Poulton, BridgeClimb Master, 133 Climbs To climb this massive structure is an experience like no other. I never tire of it. Geoff Schmidt, BridgeClimb Master, 87 Climbs Read Vaughan Moody, Nov 2019 Mithali Raj Latest news Celebrity COURTNEY ACT KICKED OFF BRIDGECLIMB’S MARDI GRAS CELEBRATIONS Sydney News Fun Things to Do in Sydney with Kids Event Ferrython 2020: The Ferrython Climb

The climb music video. The climb lyrics and chords. ©  Facebook Technologies, LLC. Mileyy <3. 2:18 is that that girl named Nicola peltz lol.


The climb sundance. Damn she said moments well remember most. 😭😭😭😭😪. The climb movie 2020. Happy 2020 Everybody 🥰 this song just keep the Faith Everybody Just keep pushing life some times has a bumpy roads keep focus n live life to fullest I listen to this cuz it keep me focus 💪. I can almost see it That dream I'm dreaming But there's a voice inside my head Saying: You'll never reach it Every step I'm taking Every move I make feels Lost with no direction My faith is shaking But I, I gotta keep trying Gotta keep my head held high There's always gonna be another mountain I'm always gonna wanna make it move Always gonna be an uphill battle Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose Ain't about how fast I get there Ain't about what's waiting on the other side It's the climb The struggles I'm facing The chances I'm taking Sometimes might knock me down But, no, I'm not breaking I may not know it But these are the moments that I'm gonna remember most, yeah Just gotta keep going And I, I gotta be strong Just keep pushing on 'Cause There's always gonna be another mountain I'm always gonna wanna make it move Always gonna be an uphill battle And sometimes I'm gonna have to lose Ain't about how fast I get there Ain't about what's waiting on the other side It's the climb There's always gonna be another mountain I'm always gonna wanna make it move Always gonna be an uphill battle Sometimes you're gonna have to lose Ain't about how fast I get there Ain't about what's waiting on the other side It's the climb, yeah Keep on moving Keep climbing Keep the faith, baby It's all about, it's all about the climb Keep the faith Keep your faith.

Keep climbing. The library restaurant myrtle beach. The climbs.

The climb imdb. The climb lyrics miley cyrus. The climbing. Your browser does not support the video tag. WATCH THE TOUR The Depot Climbing Leeds is the largest bouldering wall in Leeds offering everything from beginners inductions to training areas for elite climbers. Weekly resets and hundreds of climbs mean there is always something new to try. JUNIORS AT THE DEPOT With 11 junior climbing sessions per week at the Depot Climbing Leeds we have loads on 
offer for the younger climbers. Fun, social groups 
which cater for all abilities from 7 years+. We run regular NIBAS sessions as a Primary Centre for the National Indoor Bouldering Award Scheme. Juniors 2 Leeds WORLD CLASS BOULDERING AT THE DEPOT LEEDS Set in a huge old bus depot on the outskirts of leeds, we offer world class bouldering in a unique environment. Hundreds of problems and a weekly reset of the climbs means there is always something new to go at. The Depot Leeds GETTING INTO BOULDERING Bouldering is a great way to get in shape in a sociable and friendly atmosphere. Here at the Depot Climbing Leeds we run beginner induction sessions 7 days a week. From only £15. 00 we can get you climbing confidently and independently. Getting Into Bouldering 2 Leeds SHOP ONLINE AT THE DEPOT SHOP The Depot shop has everything you need to go climbing from the latest rock shoes to the latest bouldering clothing – all with expert guidance on hand. Depot Shop_Main Slide

English [ edit] Etymology [ edit] From Middle English climben, from Old English climban ( “ to climb ”), from Proto-Germanic *klimbaną ( “ to climb, go up by clinging ”), believed to be a nasalised variant of Proto-Germanic *klibaną, *klibāną ( “ to stick, cleave ”), from Proto-Indo-European *gley- ( “ to stick ”). Cognate with West Frisian klimme ( “ to climb ”), Dutch klimmen ( “ to climb ”), German klimmen ( “ to climb ”), Old Norse klembra ( “ to squeeze ”), Icelandic klifra ( “ to climb ”). Related to clamber. See also clay, glue. Pronunciation [ edit] IPA ( key): /klaɪm/, [kˡlaɪm] Rhymes: -aɪm Homophone: clime Verb [ edit] climb ( third-person singular simple present climbs, present participle climbing, simple past climbed or ( archaic) clomb, past participle climbed or ( archaic) clumb) ( intransitive) To ascend; rise; to go up. Prices climbed steeply. (Can we date this quote by Dryden and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) Black vapours climb aloft, and cloud the day. ( transitive) To mount; to move upwards on. They climbed the mountain. Climbing a tree ( transitive) To scale; to get to the top of something. 2010 May 22, David Harrison, “American boy, 13, is youngest person to climb Everest”, in Daily Telegraph online ‎ [1]: He is a curly-haired schoolboy barely in his teens, but 13-year-old Jordan Romero from California has become the youngest person to climb Mount Everest. ( transitive) To move (especially up and down something) by gripping with the hands and using the feet. 1900, James Frazer, The Golden Bough Chapter 65 A priest clad in a white robe climbs the tree and with a golden sickle cuts the mistletoe, which is caught in a white cloth. 1900, L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz She thought she must have been mistaken at first, for none of the scarecrows in Kansas ever wink; but presently the figure nodded its head to her in a friendly way. Then she climbed down from the fence and walked up to it, while Toto ran around the pole and barked. 2008, Tony Atkins, Dragonhawk - the Turning: Cutter and Bolan climbed around the furniture and piled into the back of the truck. ( intransitive) to practise the sport of climbing ( intransitive) to jump high 2010 December 28, Paul Fletcher, “Man City 4 - 0 Aston Villa”, in BBC ‎ [2]: The defender climbed majestically at the near post to convert Johnson's corner. 2008 September 13, “Ospreys Glasgow Magners League”, in South Wales Evening Post ‎ [3]: As the game moved towards injury time, the Ospreys forced a line-out which Jonathan Thomas climbed high to take. 2001 December 29, Derick Allsop, “Bolton's nine men hit back to steal a point”, in Daily Telegraph online ‎ [4]: Four minutes of stoppage time were virtually up when Ricketts climbed to head in the equaliser from substitute Nicky Southall's centre. To move to a higher position on the social ladder. ( botany) Of plants, to grow upwards by clinging to something. Usage notes [ edit] In the past, the forms clomb and clumb were encountered as simple past and past participle forms; these forms are now archaic or dialectal. Synonyms [ edit] ( get to the top of): scale Derived terms [ edit] Terms derived from climb (verb) Translations [ edit] to ascend, to go up Arabic: تَسَلَّقَ ‎ ( tasallaqa) Armenian: բարձրանալ   (hy) ( barjranal) Breton: pignat   (br) Bulgarian: качвам се ( kačvam se), изкачвам се ( izkačvam se) Catalan: escalar   (ca) Central Sierra Miwok: čy·m- Chinese: Mandarin: 登   (zh) ( dēng) Czech: růst   (cs) Dutch: klimmen   (nl) Esperanto: supreniri Finnish: kohota   (fi), nousta   (fi) French: grimper   (fr), monter   (fr) Georgian: აცოცება ( acoceba), აძრომა ( aʒroma) German: klettern   (de), steigen   (de) Greek: ανεβαίνω   (el) ( anevaíno) Hebrew: עלה ‎   (he) ( alá), האמיר ‎   (he) ( ha'amír) Icelandic: klifra   (is) Irish: tóg Italian: arrampicare   (it), scalare   (it), salire   (it) Japanese: 登る   (ja) ( のぼる, noboru) Korean: 오르다   (ko) ( oreuda) Latin: ascendō, scandō Macedonian: иска́чува ( iskáčuva), се иска́чува ( se iskáčuva) Mongolian: өгсөх   (mn) ( ögsöh) Norman: grîmper ( Jersey) Norwegian: Bokmål: klatre   (no) Nynorsk: klatre Old English: stīgan Persian: بالا رفتن ‎   (fa) Polish: wspinać się   (pl) Portuguese: subir   (pt) Quechua: siqay Romanian: urca   (ro) Russian: поднима́ться   (ru)   impf ( podnimátʹsja), подня́ться   (ru)   pf ( podnjátʹsja) Scots: clim Scottish Gaelic: streap Sorbian: Lower Sorbian: ( abstract) łazyś, ( concrete) lězć Spanish: escalar   (es), subir   (es) Swedish: klättra   (sv) Tagalog: akyat   (tl) Thai: ปีน   (th) ( bpiin), ขึ้น   (th) ( kʉ̂n) Turkish: tırmanmak   (tr) Ukrainian: підніма́тися ( pidnimátysja) Vietnamese: leo   (vi), lên   (vi), trèo   (vi) Waray-Waray: sag-ka, saka Welsh: dringo   (cy) Yiddish: שטײַגן ‎ ( shtaygn) to mount, to move upwards on Armenian: ելնել   (hy) ( elnel), բարձրանալ   (hy) ( barjranal), մագլցել   (hy) ( maglcʿel) Bashkir: менеү ( menew) Belarusian: ( abstract) ла́зіць   impf ( lázicʹ), пала́зіць   pf ( palázicʹ); ( concrete) ле́зці   impf ( ljézci), пале́зці   pf ( paljézci) Bulgarian: катеря се ( katerja se) Mandarin: 爬   (zh) ( pá), 登   (zh) ( dēng) Czech: ( abstract) lozit   impf, ( concrete) lézt   (cs)   impf Dutch: beklimmen   (nl) Esperanto: grimpi   (eo) Finnish: kiivetä   (fi), kavuta   (fi) French: escalader   (fr) Greek: ανεβαίνω   (el) ( anevaíno), σκαρφαλώνω   (el) ( skarfalóno) Hebrew: טיפס ‎ ( tipés) Hindi: चढ़ना   (hi) ( caṛhnā) Icelandic: klífa   (is) Ido: klimar   (io) Italian: risalire   (it) Lao: please add this translation if you can Latin: scandō, ascendō Macedonian: се ја́зи ( se jázi) Mongolian: гарах   (mn) ( garah), авирах   (mn) ( avirah), асах   (mn) ( asah), өгсөх   (mn) ( ögsöh) Old English: climban, stīgan Polish: ( abstract) łazić   (pl)   impf, ( concrete) leźć   impf Portuguese: escalar   (pt), subir   (pt) Romanian: sui   (ro) Russian: взбира́ться   (ru)   impf ( vzbirátʹsja), взобра́ться   (ru)   pf ( vzobrátʹsja); ла́зить   (ru)   impf ( lázitʹ), пола́зить   (ru)   pf ( polázitʹ) ( abstract); ле́зть   (ru)   impf ( léztʹ), зале́зть   (ru)   pf ( zaléztʹ) ( concrete) Scottish Gaelic: dìrich, streap Upper Sorbian: ( abstract) łazyć   impf, ( concrete) lězć   impf Spanish: subir   (es) Swedish: bestiga   (sv) Thai: ปีน   (th) ( bpiin), ไต่   (th) ( dtài) Turkish: tırmanmak   (tr), çıkmak   (tr) Ukrainian: ла́зити   impf ( lázyty), пола́зити   pf ( polázyty), лі́зти   impf ( lízty), полі́зти   pf ( polízty) Urdu: چڑھنا ‎ ( caṛhnā) Vietnamese: leo   (vi), trèo   (vi) to move by using the hands and feet Mandarin: 攀登   (zh) ( pāndēng) French: grimper   (fr) Galician: gabear   (gl), agatuñar   (gl), rubir   (gl) German: klettern   (de) Greek: σκαρφαλώνω   (el) ( skarfalóno) Italian: arrampicarsi   (it) Japanese: 攀じ登る ( よじのぼる, yojinoboru) Korean: 기어 올라가다 ( gieo ollagada) Mongolian: please add this translation if you can Polish: wdrapywać się   (pl) Portuguese: trepar   (pt) Russian: кара́бкаться   (ru)   impf ( karábkatʹsja), вскара́бкаться   (ru)   pf ( vskarábkatʹsja), взбира́ться   (ru)   impf ( vzbirátʹsja), взобра́ться   (ru)   pf ( vzobrátʹsja); ла́зить   (ru)   impf ( lázitʹ), пола́зить   (ru)   pf ( polázitʹ) ( abstract); ле́зть   (ru)   impf ( léztʹ), зале́зть   (ru)   pf ( zaléztʹ) ( concrete) Spanish: trepar   (es), escalar   (es) Ukrainian: здира́тися ( zdyrátysja), лі́зти ( lízty), зла́зити ( zlázyty) Westrobothnian: kräväl to practice the sport of climbing of plants: to grow upwards by clinging to something The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout#Translations. Translations to be checked Noun [ edit] climb ( plural climbs) An act of climbing. 2007, Nigel Shepherd, Complete Guide to Rope Techniques: Make sure that you keep checking to see that everything remains safe throughout the climb. The act of getting to somewhere more elevated. 2012, July 15. Richard Williams in Guardian Unlimited, Tour de France 2012: Carpet tacks cannot force Bradley Wiggins off track The Mur de Péguère is a savage little climb, its last four kilometres a narrow tunnel of trees and excited spectators urging on the straining riders. 1999, B. Keith Jones, The Roomie Do Me Blues I guess the room wasn't so bad, except for the climb to get there. The stairs were destined to be a serious health hazard. An upwards struggle 1998 September 30, AP, “Worst May Lie Ahead For Asia, Report Warns”, in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ‎ [5]: After a decade of prosperity, millions of Asians are likely to be pushed into poverty, and the climb out of poverty will stall for millions of others rate of climb Italian [ edit] From English climb. IPA ( key): /klai̯m(b)/, [kl̺äi̯m(b)] climb   m ( usually invariable, plural climbs) ( aviation) variometer, rate-of-climb indicator variometro

Been with Miley since the beginning and will stay with her ❤️😭. FANDOM " The Climb " is the sixth episode of the third season of Game of Thrones. It is the twenty-sixth episode of the series overall. It premiered on May 5, 2013. It was written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss and directed by Alik Sakharov. Plot Tywin plans strategic unions for the Lannisters. Melisandre pays a visit to the Riverlands. Robb weighs a compromise to repair his alliance with House Frey. Roose Bolton decides what to do with Jaime Lannister. Jon, Ygritte and the Wildl ings face a daunting climb. Summary In King's Landing In King's Landing, Lord Tywin Lannister meets with Lady Olenna Tyrell to discuss having Ser Loras marry his daughter, Cersei. They trade barbs about Cersei's age, her capability to have more children, and accusations of incest with  Jaime, as well as Loras's well-known homosexuality. Tywin is adamant that Cersei, whom he calls the Kingdom's most beautiful woman, should marry Loras, the Kingdom's most handsome and desired bachelor, but Olenna blatantly refuses to consent, hinting that Joffrey is the result of incest. Tywin replies that if that is true, he has no right to the throne and the Tyrells just "threw a flower  into the dirt". Olenna says she will not risk "throwing another flower into the dirt" if Cersei cannot bear heirs for the Tyrells. Realizing her unchanged position on the matter, Tywin threatens to make Loras a knight of the Kingsguard, which would force Loras to give up his right to marriage and to inherit Highgarden. Olenna relents, and consents to the marriage of Loras and Cersei. In the gardens, Sansa Stark tries to get closer to Loras by discussing their hopefully impending wedding. Loras is clearly uncomfortable being so close to her, but brightens when discussing the lavish wedding he's had planned – although Sansa, for once, becomes suspicious when she realizes that Loras seems more excited by the food and the wedding joust than by her. Loras quickly placates her with a compliment and then describes the wedding gown he's envisioned for her. Sansa says she's looking forward to seeing Highgarden, as she's only ever lived in Winterfell and can't wait to leave King's Landing. In this, Loras finds unexpected common ground with her and agrees that the Red Keep is "the most terrible place there is". Cersei and Tyrion Lannister observe the couple from Cersei's chambers overlooking the garden. Tyrion sarcastically asks which of the four of them has it the worst. He then finally accuses his sister of trying to have him killed during the Battle of the Blackwater. Cersei, tired of fighting him, remains quiet while he deduces that only two people can command the Kingsguard. Tyrion realizes that while Cersei certainly has the authority to command a Kingsguard, she isn't stupid enough to command Ser  Mandon Moore to kill him in public. Tyrion realizes that it was in fact Joffrey who ordered Ser Mandon Moore to kill him, because Tyrion was the only one who stood up to him. Cersei tells him his life is not in danger from Joffrey, as he dare not try anything like that now that Tywin is the Hand. They discuss about Jaime's possible return to King's Landing, with Cersei wondering where he could possibly be. She asks Tyrion which one of them should be the one to break the news to Sansa. Tyrion decides he might as well dash Sansa's hopes sooner rather than later. He goes to Sansa's chamber and asks for a private word, but Sansa declines to dismiss Shae. Tyrion gives Shae a carefully coded apology for not telling her in private before breaking the news to Sansa. Later on, Lord Varys finds Lord Petyr Baelish in the throne room. Varys and Baelish discuss the Iron Throne and the pageantry and propaganda that creates nations and cements dynasties. Varys asserts that he serves the realm, but Baelish scoffs that "the realm" is an invention of Aegon the Conqueror. Baelish tells Varys that he is aware of Varys' arrangement with Ros, and that he has given her to "a friend" who is eager for a new experience. Baelish revels in the chaos that he has caused, likening chaos to a ladder (for those brave enough to climb) rather than a pit to be lost in, as Varys and everyone else sees it. Joffrey kills Ros Elsewhere, Sansa weeps as Baelish's ship departs, both of her plans to leave King's Landing in tatters. Meanwhile, Joffrey coldly contemplates Ros's quarrel-ridden corpse. In the Riverlands Anguy teaching Arya how to shoot a bow better. In the Riverlands, the hideout of the Brotherhood without Banners outside of Hollow Hill, Anguy trains Arya Stark with a bow. Arya spots someone behind her target, which is revealed to be Melisandre and a small group of Stannis Baratheon 's men. She speaks to Thoros in High Valyrian, demanding to know what became of his mission to convert Robert Baratheon to the worship of the Lord of Light. He bluntly tells her he failed. Melisandre is brought to the Brotherhood's hideout and is shocked when she learns of the six deaths of Beric Dondarrion, exclaiming that Thoros should not have that kind of power. Thoros counters that he has no power, he only asks for favors and the Lord of Light sees fit to grant them. The priestess seems troubled by his response (or perhaps by the fact that the Lord of Light looks favorably on causes other than her own). Melisandre says the Brotherhood has someone the Lord of Light needs, and soon after has her men take Gendry into her custody. Arya protests, particularly when she sees that Melisandre has given the Brotherhood two heavy sacks of gold in exchange. She confronts the red priestess, calling her a witch. Melisandre ignores the barb and looks into Arya's eyes. She sees many other eyes, of many other colors- eyes that Arya will shut forever. Melisandre abruptly tells her that they will meet again. Edmure is enraged at having to marry Roslin At Riverrun, King Robb Stark and his advisors meet with "Black Walder" and Lothar Frey to discuss an alliance for his planned attack on Casterly Rock. The Freys carry Walder Frey 's demands for an alliance, which includes a formal apology from Robb, the castle Harrenhal and all of its lands and incomes, and for Edmure Tully to marry Roslin, one of his daughters. Edmure is reluctant to marry a woman he has never met, but is eventually convinced by the group to go through with the arrangement. Jaime and Bolton discuss Jaime's release. At Harrenhal, Lord Roose Bolton has dinner with Jaime and Brienne of Tarth. Bolton tells Jaime he will send him to King's Landing  as restitution for his lost hand but only on the condition that Jaime swear to tell his father that Bolton was not personally responsible for maiming him. Jaime assumes that Brienne will accompany him, but Bolton intends to keep her with him, under arrest for abetting treason. In the North In the North, tensions rise at camp between Osha and Meera Reed before Bran Stark diffuses the situation. Jojen Reed experiences a seizure while sleeping, and Meera explains they are caused by his visions. Jojen then tells Bran that in his vision he saw Jon Snow with the wildlings. Theon is tortured Elsewhere, the cleaning boy awakens Theon Greyjoy to continue torturing him. The boy threatens to remove Theon's pinky finger if he cannot guess the boy's true identity and their current location. He gives the impression that Theon guessed right when Theon says he is the younger brother of Torrhen Karstark, Rickard Karstark 's son, and that they are in Karhold. But then, the boy tells Theon he was lying, and begins flaying Theon's finger while telling him that he is torturing Theon only for his own amusement. Beyond the Wall Samwell Tarly and Gilly stop to camp during their journey to The Wall after having fled Craster's Keep. Sam shows Gilly the Dragonglass dagger he found at the Fist of the First Men, tells her about Castle Black, and sings The Song of the Seven. Jon and Ygritte kissing on the top of the wall At camp at the base of the Wall, the wildling party led by Tormund Giantsbane prepare to climb. Jon Snow and Ygritte talk about their impending climb and their relationship. Ygritte reveals she is aware that Jon is still loyal to the Night's Watch, but tells him he must be loyal to each other instead. While climbing, Ygritte strikes the Wall and causes a massive crack, which dislodges a large sheet of ice, sending several wildlings to their deaths. Ygritte and Jon hang precariously by their safety rope. Orell  decides that Tormund cannot continue climbing with the weight of Jon and Ygritte's bodies pulling them down and begins cutting the rope. Jon sees what Orell is doing and barely manages to swing to his left and plant a hook in the ice, saving himself and Ygritte. They reach the top of the wall, and Ygritte is awed by the view beyond the wall and to the south, before she and Jon share a passionate kiss. Appearances Main: The Climb/Appearances First Lothar Frey Black Walder Rivers Deaths Ros At least 6 unnamed Wildlings Production Cast Cast notes 19 of 27 starring cast members appear in this episode. Starring cast members Oona Chaplin ( Talisa Stark), Emilia Clarke ( Daenerys Targaryen), Liam Cunningham ( Davos Seaworth), Stephen Dillane ( Stannis Baratheon), Natalie Dormer ( Margaery Tyrell), Jerome Flynn ( Bronn), Iain Glen ( Jorah Mormont), and Rory McCann ( Sandor Clegane) are not credited and do not appear in this episode. Michael Byrch, Levan Doran, Jamie Edgell, Bradley Farmer, David Forman, Clive Goble, Paul Herbert, Scott Hillier, Ben Mahoney, Kevin Mahoney, Michelle McKeown, Sian Milne, Kevin Morgan, Camilla Naprous, Chris Newton and C. C. Smiff were stunt performers in this episode. Notes The Dragonstone and the Essos storylines and associated characters do not appear in this episode. Margaery, Bronn, the Hound, and Talisa also do not appear, although their associated storylines do. Several viewers have expressed concern that Loras talks about having "French sleeves" on his clothing, when real-life France doesn't exist in the fictional world of Westeros. Checking the subtitles, however, reveals that Loras actually said " fringed sleeves", not "French sleeves". The scene between Thoros and Melisandre, which was invented for the series, is the first time High Valyrian has been identified as such (the Low Valyrian that was a plot point in " And Now His Watch Is Ended " was simply referred to as Valyrian), and also the first time it featured in an extended dialogue. It is also the first time that the Valyrian aphorism valar morghulis is given its proper response ( valar dohaeris) on-screen. Neither term is translated in the subtitles, however. In the books, Arya Stark actually knows High Valyrian: she is a nobleman's daughter so she received a full education from Maester Luwin as befits a girl in her high station, and this included lessons on High Valyrian (it is the equivalent of a medieval noble lady receiving Latin lessons). On the other hand, Arya is only a ten year old girl who took some lessons in a foreign language, and thus she doesn't know it particularly well (compared to Tyrion Lannister, who as an adult has devoted many more years of study to High Valyrian, and is thus capable of reading books written in High Valyrian). Characters from Braavos that Arya encountered do remark that her High Valyrian needs a lot of work (also, she only learned the spoken language, not the system of glyphs used in the written language). Thus it isn't clear if Arya would understand two fluent High Valyrian speakers talking at a fast pace - she might understand some of what Melisandre and Thoros are saying, but not catch all of it. When asked about this, linguist David J. Peterson said that "I’m almost certain she doesn’t understand it well enough to follow any conversation at all. Sansa probably knows more High Valyrian than Arya, and I bet she couldn’t even follow a conversation. " [1] Thus the scene probably didn't mean to give the impression that Arya really understood anything Thoros and Melisandre were saying. The subtitles of Thoros and Melisandre's conversation reveal the Lord of Light's proper name to be R'hllor. However, they mistakenly spell it as " R'hollor " on-screen. Language creator David J. Peterson explained in a Twitter post that this was simply a typo. [2] Peterson also explained on his blog that "R'hllor" is a word from the Asshai'i language, far off in the east of Essos where the religion originated. Logically, people speaking High Valyrian would slur the pronunciation of a foreign word, which is the reason why Thoros pronounces it as "Rulloro" (which might explain the mistake in the subtitles, though it was spelled correctly in the original translation Peterson handed in). [3] Maisie Williams is right-handed but plays the character Arya Stark as left-handed, as she is in the books. This was seen in the first two seasons when Arya wielded her sword left-handed. Note that in this episode, Williams also takes a left-handed position during her archery practice with Anguy. It is unclear whether Tywin knows about the incestuous relationship between Jaime and Cersei but prefers to shut his eyes to it, or truely believes it is just a malicious lie spread by Stannis (in order to establish his right as Robert's legal heir). The books do not make it clear either. Tywin's threat to appoint Loras to the Kingsguard, in order to deprive House Tyrell of its heir, is somewhat ironic: years ago, the Mad King did exactly the same thing to Tywin - appointed Jaime to the Kingsguard in order to rob Tywin of his heir, much to Tywin's anger. Actual dead rabbits, not props, were used in the scene where Osha and Meera are arguing over skinning rabbits they've caught. As the cast members have explained, they actually had to film numerous takes of this scene, which meant that they had to skin a new dead rabbit every time. They ended up spending much of the day with their hands covered in raw rabbit blood and guts. This episode is the first time that Samwell Tarly has stated on-screen that he is from the Reach. The seat of House Tarly is at Horn Hill. Sam says in the episode that it's usually warm enough in the Reach that they don't need to light fires; in the books, Sam states that he never even saw snow before he came to the Wall. This is the first time the series has established in dialogue that the Wall is 700 feet tall (213 meters). In the books, the dress that Bolton's men find for Brienne to wear belonged to old lady Shella Whent. Partially Bolton's men presented the dress to her as it was the only dress remotely large enough to fit her, but they also did it out of deliberate mockery, as the dress still does not fit very well and Brienne looks absurd in it. Lady Shella was a fat, bent old woman, so the proportions of the dress are still off, and the front fits so loosely that Brienne has to be careful that it doesn't fall down and expose her breasts. For the TV series, however, costume designer Michele Clapton explained in the in-episode guide that she decided that it would be more interesting if Brienne's discomfort in the scene was psychological: due to her rejection of the stereotyped gender-roles in the society of the Seven Kingdoms, Brienne would actually be more uncomfortable if the dress fit her well, as this would be forcing her to conform to established norms of "feminine" clothing and beauty. As Clapton said: "I wanted Brienne to put on a dress and look rather good in it, but be horrified about having to wear 's meant to reveal a bit of cleavage in the shoulders, which for Brienne, is mortifying. The last thing she wants is to be portrayed as a woman, and in a way, to look good as a woman makes it worse. So we decided rather go for a dress that looked good, but it was her sense of horror that made it comfortable. " [4] Critics generally treated "The Climb" as the weakest episode of Season 3. Elio and Linda of gave their opinion that no outright mistake was made, but that simply, after the massive plot climaxes that occurred in the preceding fourth and fifth episodes (" And Now His Watch Is Ended " and " Kissed by Fire ", which were felt to be two of the season's strongest episodes) the storyline physically needed to slow down to introduce more setup for future plotlines. Quite simply, after two episodes in which Daenerys dramatically steals an army of Unsullied, then Robb Stark executed Rickard Karstark, Jaime confessed why he really killed the Mad King, and Jon Snow had sex with Ygritte, "The Climb" had to slow down to explain the subtle political intrigues going on back in King's Landing, with much of its plot focused on the intrigues between the Lannisters and Tyrells about who would marry Sansa Stark. It needs to be remembered that the story of the entire season is an organic whole, and there are no "standalone episodes" in a book adaptation. Much of the setup introduced in this episode has payoff later - i. e. Bolton freeing Jaime is the first sign that he isn't acting in Robb Stark's best interests, and even Jaime notes that Bolton would only free him if he thinks Robb is losing the war to Tywin at this point. Ultimately, stories are filled with introductions, rising action, and climaxes: episodes four and five were filled with climaxes, but once these were finished, episode six had to shift back into slow introductions of new plotlines. [5] The TV ratings bear out these opinions that "The Climb" was the weakest episode of Season 3. Ratings in the first half of Season 3 were steadily climbing, to the point that "Kissed by Fire" was the highest rated episode in all three seasons of the TV series, at about 5. 35 million viewers. "The Climb" actually outpaced this slightly at 5. 5 million viewers, but the immediately following episode, " The Bear and the Maiden Fair " slumped back down to 4. 84 million viewers. Of course, rather than jumping to the conclusion that something was wrong with "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" which made fickle viewers change channels mid-episode, it must be remembered that TV ratings for a single given episode are usually a reaction to how good or bad the preceding episode was - thus the drop registered by episode seven was really a reaction against episode six. In any case, after this drop the ratings steadily increased again, until by the Season 3 finale there were an estimated 5. 39 million viewers. Of course, even the lowest ratings from Season 3 (even the slump for episode seven as a reaction to episode 6, "The Climb") were still higher than all of the ratings for Seasons 1 and 2. The only small exception is that the ratings for the first and second episodes of Season 3 were slightly lower than the surge in ratings which occurred for the Season 2 finale - which was itself bolstered by fan reaction to the Battle of the Blackwater in the preceding episode. Still, even the first and second episodes of Season 3 had higher ratings than all of the other nine episodes in Season 2, and from episode 3 "Walk of Punishment" onwards all episodes (even including "The Climb") had higher ratings than any episode in Season 2. Moreover, there was no ratings slump for episode 9 of Season 3 as there was in Seasons 1 and 2, which aired over the Memorial Day holiday in the United States, because HBO opted to avoid the holiday altogether and just skip a week: the decision worked as ratings were indeed unaffected by the skip. [6] In the books See Differences between books and TV series - Season 3#The Climb This episode is adapted from the following chapters of A Storm of Swords: Chapter 16, Sansa II: Sansa tries on a new gown for the upcoming royal wedding. Chapter 28, Sansa III: Sansa learns that she will wed Tyrion, instead of Margaery's brother. Chapter 30, Jon IV: Jon Snow, Ygritte and the rest of the wildlings climb the wall. Many wildlings fall to their death, but the rest reach the top. Chapter 35, Catelyn IV: Robb Stark, Catelyn Tully, Edmure and the Blackfish negotiate with Lothar Frey and Walder Rivers in order to restore the alliance between the Starks and the Freys. A wedding between Edmure and Roslin Frey is planned in order to achieve this. Chapter 36, Davos IV: Melisandre intends to use one of Robert's bastards for Stannis's cause. Chapter 37, Jaime V: Jaime Lannister and Brienne talk with Roose Bolton about setting them free. He agrees but insists that Brienne stays. Chapter 43, Arya VIII: Someone looks closely at Arya and sees darkness in her. Chapter 46, Samwell III: Sam and Gilly set camp. The episode is adapted from the following chapters of A Dance with Dragons: Chapter 12, Reek I: Theon is further tortured by his captor. Gallery Memorable quotes Ramsay Snow: "So let's play a game. Which body part do you need the least? " Theon Greyjoy: "Please! " Ramsay: "Please is not a body part. " Theon: "I'll tell you everything, please! " Ramsay: "But you already told me everything, remember? Your daddy was mean to you. The Starks didn't appreciate you. One good bit, though. The Stark boys, they're still alive. Wouldn't that be a hunt to remember? You failed, but I'm a better hunter than you. Now, how about your little finger? You don't need that for much, do you? No? Good. Let's start with that. " [He loosens the binds on Theon's right hand. ] "You've been wondering why you're here, haven't you? Where you are, who I am, why I'm doing this to you. So guess. If you guess right, I'll tell you. By the Old Gods and the New, I swear it. You win the game if you can figure out who I am and why I'm torturing you, and I win the game if you beg me to cut off your finger! " Theon: "If I win, you'll let me go? " Ramsay: "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention. " Theon: "Please! " Ramsay: "You say please again and you'll wish you hadn't. You first. Where are we? " Theon: "The North. " Ramsay: "Too vague. " Theon: "Deepwood Motte. " Ramsay: "Terrible guess. " [Theon cries out in pain as Ramsay jams a knife into his finger. ] "Now where? " Theon: "Last Hearth? " Ramsay: "Do I look like a fucking Umber to you? " Theon: "Aaaah, the Karhold! " Ramsay: "Karhold? How did you know that? Did you see any banners flying when we came in? " Theon: "No, it was just a guess. " Ramsay: "Very good, Lord Theon. And who am I? " Theon: "Torrhen Karstark. " Ramsay: "He's dead. Strangled by the Kingslayer. " Theon: "He was your brother. Your father is Lord Rickard Karstark. " [Ramsay heads back to his chair and sits. ] "You swore to tell me if I... " Ramsay: "You're right. " Theon: "Lord Rickard Karstark is Robb Stark's bannerman. I betrayed Robb. That's why you're torturing me. " Ramsay: "Yes. You win. " [Theon breathes a sigh of relief but then Ramsay springs back up again. ] "Of course, you forgot to ask one question. You forgot to ask if I'm a liar! " [He sticks his knife back into Theon's finger and begins to peel away the skin, making him scream again. ] "I'm afraid I am. Everything I told you is a lie. This isn't happening to you for a reason. Well, one reason. I enjoy it. " Theon: "PLEASE! CUT IT OFF, CUT IT OFF, CUT IT OFF! AHHHHHHH! " Ramsay: "I win. " [as Melisandre is about to mount her horse and leave, Arya stops her] Arya Stark: "You're a witch! You're going to hurt him! " [Melisadre turns to Arya. She grabs her chin and looks at her closely] Melisandre: "I see a darkness in you. And in that darkness, eyes staring back at me. Brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes. Eyes you'll shut forever. We will meet again. " [Melisandre and her companions leave with Gendry. Arya is confused] See also References v   •   d   •   e Episodes Season 1: #1 " Winter Is Coming " · #2 " The Kingsroad " · #3 " Lord Snow " · #4 " Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things " · #5 " The Wolf and the Lion " · #6 " A Golden Crown " · #7 " You Win or You Die " · #8 " The Pointy End " · #9 " Baelor " · #10 " Fire and Blood " Season 2: #1 " The North Remembers " · #2 " The Night Lands " · #3 " What Is Dead May Never Die · #4 " Garden of Bones " · #5 " The Ghost of Harrenhal " · #6 " The Old Gods and the New " · #7 " A Man Without Honor " · #8 " The Prince of Winterfell " · #9 " Blackwater " · #10 " Valar Morghulis " Season 3: #1 " Valar Dohaeris " · #2 " Dark Wings, Dark Words " · #3 " Walk of Punishment " · #4 " And Now His Watch Is Ended " · #5 " Kissed by Fire " · #6 " The Climb " · #7 " The Bear and the Maiden Fair " · #8 " Second Sons " · #9 " The Rains of Castamere " · #10 " Mhysa " Season 4: #1 " Two Swords " · #2 " The Lion and the Rose " · #3 " Breaker of Chains " · #4 " Oathkeeper " · #5 " First of His Name " · #6 " The Laws of Gods and Men " · #7 " Mockingbird " · #8 " The Mountain and the Viper " · #9 " The Watchers on the Wall " · #10 " The Children " Season 5: #1 " The Wars To Come " · #2 " The House of Black and White " · #3 " High Sparrow " · #4 " Sons of the Harpy " · #5 " Kill the Boy " · #6 " Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken " · #7 " The Gift " · #8 " Hardhome " · #9 " The Dance of Dragons " · #10 " Mother’s Mercy " Season 6: #1 " The Red Woman " · #2 " Home " · #3 " Oathbreaker " · #4 " Book of the Stranger " · #5 " The Door " · #6 " Blood of My Blood " · #7 " The Broken Man " · #8 " No One " · #9 " Battle of the Bastards " · #10 " The Winds of Winter " Season 7: #1 " Dragonstone " · #2 " Stormborn " · #3 " The Queen's Justice " · #4 " The Spoils of War " · #5 " Eastwatch " · #6 " Beyond the Wall " · #7 " The Dragon and the Wolf " Season 8: #1 " Winterfell " · #2 " A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms " · #3 " The Long Night " · #4 " The Last of the Starks " · #5 " The Bells " · #6 " The Iron Throne " Languages: Deutsch Español Français Italiano 日本語 Polski Português do Brasil Română Русский 中文 Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

The climb lewis capaldi. Theclimber. 2 wins & 5 nominations. See more awards  » Edit Storyline Kyle and Mike are best friends who share a close bond - until Mike sleeps with Kyle's fiancée. The Climb is about a tumultuous but enduring relationship between two men across many years of laughter, heartbreak and rage. It is also the story of real-life best friends who turn their profound connection into a rich, humane and frequently uproarious film about the boundaries (or lack thereof) in all close friendships. Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 20 March 2020 (USA) See more  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  ».

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